Our Core Values




Team Work


Uchumi Commercial Bank, Who We Are.

Uchumi Commercial Bank (UCB) Ltd started as an initiative of The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania Northern Diocese (ELCT-ND) following decision of the ELCT-ND 183 Executive Council meeting in 2002. On 16th September 2005 UCB was formally incorporated as a Company Limited by shares under the Companies Act. It was issued with a license to operate as a regional unit bank on 19th September 2005 by the Bank of Tanzania under the Banking and Financial Institutions Act, providing all normal commercial banking services in Northern Tanzania, principally in Kilimanjaro Region.

Its main focus is to work with organized grassroots economic groups that have hitherto been largely under-banked, principally individuals running small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Northern Tanzania.    More about us...

Our Strategic Business Plan

The Strategic Business Plan focuses on the four strategic pillars to excel in its vision and mission

Operational Efficiency and Sustainability

The bank will provide banking services efficiently by adopting cost optimization strategies to achieve a high level of productivity for sustainability and compliance.

Customer Service Excellency

UCB will offer good customer service using competent and friendly staff and efficient processes that have a short turnaround time.

Digital Transformation

The bank will improve technology capability that will offer digital banking solutions to increase our market share and drive financial customer base.

Business Growth

UCB will grow its business by developing the capability to acquire more segments of the economy and achieve high returns to shareholders.

To be a preferred provider of financial services.


To provide efficient, affordable, and convenient banking services to individuals, SMEs and other entities using innovative technology


Values are behaviors that all staff members working with UCB will need to demonstrate every day of delivering services to customers, stakeholders, and fellow employees. All employees need to understand the spirit and the letter of the values and live them to make UCB excel.


Ni akaunti ambayo mzazi/mlezi anaweza kumwekea mtoto akiba ya maisha ya baadaye “Tengeneza kesho ya mwanao leo na Elimu Junior”.

Tumekuletea mkopo rahisi wa bima (IPF) ili kulinda mali zako na majanga mbalimbali wakati wowote kwa bei nafuu kabisa.

Akaunti ya mavuno ni akaunti unayoweza kuwekeza kidogo kidogo isiyo na gharama yoyote ya uendeshaji na inayokupa faida kubwa hadi 9% kwa mwaka.

Mkopo huu umeundwa kupanua huduma ya mikopo kwa wateja Waajiriwa wa Serikali na Taasisi/Makampuni binafsi dhidi ya mishahara yao ili kukuza kipato na kutimiza malengo yao.

Huu ni mkopo kwa wateja ambao wanahitaji kukamilisha majukumu yao ya kukuza mtaji wa kufanya kazi wanapongojea kukusanya kutoka kwa wadeni wao.

Hii ni akaunti mahususi kwa wateja wanaotumia fedha za kigeni na kupokea malipo mbalimbali kutoka nje ya nchi hata ndani ya nchi.

Ni akaunti inayozalisha riba kulingana na kiwango cha fedha na muda ambao fedha hizo hukaa benki.

Ni akaunti inayokuwezesha kuweka akiba kidogo kidogo (Saving Account) na kufanya uweze kufikia malengo yako ya badae kwa wakati.

Akaunti hii hurahisisha ulipaji wa malipo mbalimbali na kwa haraka zaidi kwa kutumia hundi ili kutimiza malengo yako ya biashara.


Headquarters :

ELCT-ND Building,
Market Street Opposite Bus Terminal
P.O.Box 7811 Moshi - Tanzania


+255 272 750 492
+255 748 465 131

Open Hours:

Monday-Friday : 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturday : 8:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Sunday : 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM

+255 748 465 131